Download our Support Tool
Our Support Tool helps manage system settings and troubleshoot issues by providing easy access to disable Windows Security, uninstall anti-cheat programs, and generate a support code for assistance.
Our Support Tool helps manage system settings and troubleshoot issues by providing easy access to disable Windows Security, uninstall anti-cheat programs, and generate a support code for assistance.
With Windows Security now disabled, you can proceed to download our Support Tool.
Once downloaded, open the tool and head over to the "Windows Settings" tab.
Here, you can disable Windows Defender, preventing it from automatically re-enabling after a computer restart. You can also use this tool to re-enable Windows Defender whenever you choose.
Next, go to the "Anti-Cheats" tab and ensure the necessary anti-cheat programs are uninstalled.
Uninstalling the necessary programs.
Install the required Visual C++ Redistributables.
If you encounter any issues with our products, we may ask you to provide your "Support Tool Reference Code." Simply press the "Send to Support" button and copy it using (CTRL + C).